At Emmanuel, our mission extends beyond the walls of our sanctuary. We firmly believe in serving as an instrument of God's love and compassion to our local community and beyond. Outreach is about proactively reaching out to those in need, sharing the message of Jesus Christ through both words and actions. It is an opportunity for us to demonstrate God's love in tangible ways and make a positive difference in the lives of others. Here are some of the ways our outreach efforts are seen throughout the year:

Emphasis of the Month: Every month we dedicate resources to a particular organization, group, or project. Whether it’s raising money or collecting goods, the generosity of our congregation is always coming through!

Eat & Educate: Our Eat & Educate events have become a foundation of our church life. Each month, an organization, activist, community leader, etc., is invited to give a presentation on a particular issue. Eat & Educate always takes place on a Saturday from about 12 PM - 1 PM. In addition to it being a free event, absolutely everyone is welcome to attend, whether they are a member of Emmanuel or have never even seen our building. Free lunch if provided to all in attendance.

Jubilee Food Truck: Coming soon!

Community Cupboard: Coming soon!

We hold several other outreach events throughout the year! Check this page, our calendar, or our Facebook page to learn more and subscribe to our mailing list to stay up-to-date.